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University of Hawai’i at Mãnoa
Marine Sciences Building 312
1000 Pope Road
Honolulu, Hawai’i 96822
(808) 956-8083

Click logo to view CIMAR published papers in the NOAA Institutional Repository
NOAA Sponsors: Click logo to access the NOAA NRDD

Research Themes

  • Ecological Forecasting – Research under this theme will lead to improved forecasting of the frequency and magnitude of ecosystem processes within the Pacific Islands region. This research includes monitoring and extensive use of current and past environmental, ecological, and socioeconomic data; large-scale environmental and ecological studies as well as focused process studies for understanding ecosystem functions and change; and model development, parameterization, and verification.
  • Ecosystem Monitoring – Research within this theme is associated with the use of coastal observing systems, deep ocean observations, air-/space-borne remote sensing (e.g., planes, satellites, unmanned systems), and economic and social observing systems to understand and describe the present state of the various ecological environmental, economic, and social parameters in the Pacific Islands region.
  • Ecosystem-based Management – This theme’s research will focus on enabling an ecosystem approach to management in the Pacific Islands region and science support for the delivery of ecosystem services. Research will enhance scientific understanding of marine ecosystem components and processes and the connections between them, aquaculture and ecosystem users and the services they receive, effects of land-management practices and terrestrial inputs to ecosystems, and effects of climate change.
  • Protection and Restoration of Resources – This research includes development of technology, research tools, and scientific approaches to effective protection and restoration of living marine resources, habitats, and ecosystems. Research under this theme will involve a wide range of activities such as removal of contaminants and marine debris, and providing new materials and techniques for protection of underwater cultural resources in the Pacific Islands Region.
  • Oceanographic Monitoring and Forecasting – Focused on the Pacific Ocean Basin, research under this theme is associated with the collection and analysis of physical, biological, and chemical observations of the ocean that will yield valuable information about large-scale ocean property distributions and currents, including their variability over time scales.
  • Climate Science and Impacts – Research conducted under this theme is focused on understanding oceanic and atmospheric processes associated with global and regional climate change on various temporal scales and the impacts of climate variability. Activities under this theme include research to determine effective regional adaptation strategies, and developing and studying new climate information products and tools appropriate for evolving user needs, with a focus on the Indo-Pacific region. Research conducted under this theme is also designed to ensure that tide gauge data sets from the global network are maintained and that the data meet international quality standards for climate and oceanographic research.
  • Air-Sea Interactions – Researchers will focus on multidisciplinary research involving atmosphere-ocean carbon dioxide exchange fluxes, water column carbon dioxide distributions and transport, and data interpretation and modeling, focused on the Pacific Ocean Basin. Special emphasis will be placed on enhancing understanding of the role of the ocean in sequestering the increasing burden of anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the changes that are occurring due to ocean acidification.
  • Tsunamis and Other Long-period Ocean Waves – Research conducted under this theme is associated with improving the predictability of the onset, duration, and impact of tsunamis, with a focus on the Pacific Islands Region, coupled with the provision of an electronically accessible database of rapidly sampled sea level observations from existing Hawaiian coastal sea level gauges maintained by NOAA agencies.

Consortium Members

  • None

Award Details

  First 5-Year Award
Award Number NA21NMF4320043-T1-01
Award Period October 1, 2021 –
September 30, 2026
Award Amount $210,000,000
Research Performance
Progress Reports

October 2021 – June 2022
July 2022 – June 2023

CI Review by
Science Advisory Board
Scheduled for 2025